Wolverhampton and Black Country City Show 2014

We attended the city show yesterday (Adam and I) and had a fun filled afternoon. We met up with one of the Board Members for the organisation we work for, as well as one of our colleagues, Dawn (Adam’s BFF and a very good friend to me too). We had originally planned to get there for 12 PM but the rain foiled that, however, by 2 PM we were at the gates and paying our way in.


We usually work the city show, though our employer, but this year we had the time off as annual leave so decided to go as customers. It was a little overcast to start with, then the sun cut through the clouds like a hot knife through butter and my shades magically appeared on my face. There was so much to see, even though it had only changed slightly from last year. Monster trucks pulling apart and rolling over cars, motorbikes jumping off a huge ramp, cowboys and Indians on horses, and the change for this year – a geese show – yup, a geese show, with a sheep dog rounding them up. It was very cute although it did not last long, the dog also had issues getting the geese into the crate which was quite funny, but he got there in the end.


We spent loads of money at the ‘Ye Olde Sweet Shoppe’, mainly on bon-bons – got Adam some super sour ones which actually made his face crush up as they were that sour. We’ve been looking for sour sweets for years now that give that effect, they just don’t make them like they used too! I had a variety of flavours including cherry, watermelon and raspberry, I’ve still got loads left which is a big surprise, as they’re very moreish!


After a walk round seeing all the stalls we grabbed some food, we had samosas, chips and chicken tikka wraps, all of which was amazing. We also visited the pub tent so Adam and Dawn could have a pint of cider, I stayed on water like a good boy. It was tiring for me with all the walking, but very worth-while. We found a badge stall and I managed to find a bio-hazard one which I’m still wearing, just a little thing I’ve been thinking about lately, and want a tattoo of. Got Adam a geek badge and also a peace badge, got Dawn one with a phrase including her surname (near enough) and one with a moustache for a lad at work.


After roughly 3.5 hours we called it a day, via the Sweet Shoppe for one last top up, then got the Tram home. It was walkies time for Sammy by the time we got back so went straight out with him. Finally at about 6.30 PM I got to sit down and not get up again, which was LOVELY! We spent the evening watching series 1 of Believe which is getting pretty good, we plan to finish this then start on Banshee series 2, can’t wait as series 1 was immense.


Been to take more books to the charity shop this morning, I was pulling the ‘granny trolley’ up the road (Adam’s mom’s old one) which was packed with not only a full box, but also 3 carrier bags full of books, the wheel was threatening to come off the whole way there, but somehow, it managed to stay attached. We’ve cleared out roughly 150 books since Friday so that leaves about 270 to go. Should have the front room clear by weeks end.


We’ve mown the back lawn and tidied up the patio and pots, now we are chilling with a coffee before we decide what to do next. I’ve suggested a picnic at the park so hopefully Adam will take to that idea.


My muscles are protesting, but sod them. I need to get better so they will just have to put up with the pain. I’m determined not to ruin this week off together so I’m being quite hard-faced towards my HIV and muscle loss this week. Glastonbury on Saturday so will rest up Thursday and Friday in preparation for climbing the Tor, something I need to do.


Hope you all had good weekends and hugs to you all,




Thanks for reading.