Seeing an old friend.

Friday was my first day of annual leave, Adam has booked the same time off too so we get a whole 10 days together. I’m dead set on not letting my symptoms and side effects ruin this week, but Friday morning it went down-hill quite quickly. We went to the market in Bilston to get some bits and bobs and all was going well. One of the ladies that we run community events with had ‘Yarn Bombed’ the town with her friends, it was so colourful and extravagant that I was really blown away by it. They’d made loads of things like bunting, flowers, and a whole outfit for the town statue! We took loads of pics and had a catch up then carried on. We dropped off 4 bags of books at the charity shop then did a bit of shopping. There was an extra market on, for ‘Bilston in Bloom’ – hence the yarn bombing as there was no budget for flowers – damn cutbacks! There was even a crystal stall which I was drawn to and came away £10 lighter with 7 new crystals for my collection.

We went round the shops then to the standard market that’s on 4 days a week. At this point I started to feel off. I went very light headed, felt sick, and the pain in my head was excruciating. It was like someone was scraping metal over my brain. I rushed out of the market, nearly falling over, started crying, and tried to take deep breaths whilst Adam tried to calm me down. We went straight home at this point. Great, first day off and I’d spoilt the day already. I spent the rest of the day on the settee and in bed, managed a few hours’ sleep, and did quite a bit of crying. The evening went quite fast, just watched telly then went to bed early.

Saturday morning I was up around 7, feeling a lot better. I was very excited as it was the day I got to see my old best friend. We took another 4 bags of books to the charity shop (still about 300 books to go – clear out) then came back home. We popped to Morrison’s to get some strawberries and cream, then weeded and strimmed the front garden. At 1.30 PM I went up to the tram stop to meet Lewis, got quite anxious on the way up but took some deep breaths and levelled myself out. When I saw him get of the tram, a huge smile appeared on my face, it was so nice to see him. We had a hug then walked down to mine. We caught up on a few things in the living room with Adam then moved outside to the garden for strawberries and cream. I had such a fantastic afternoon finding out how he was, what he was doing for work now, and how his partner Craig is getting on with his new job. It felt like we hadn’t stopped talking, that we just picked up from where we left off two years ago.

After a couple of hours sat in the sun with Lewis I started to get a bit tired, happens a lot lately! We wrapped up the chat and he left for the tram. Guess speaking to him had wiped me out emotionally, I was so happy to have him here, although my body was protesting the whole time. We plan to see each other again soon, not too sure when as he has moved to Sussex now, although he is keeping his apartment in Birmingham and renting it out to friends, keeping a foot hold in the busy city.

I went to bed as soon as he left and slept for about two hours, Adam woke me up after he had taken the dog for a walk then we went the shop to grab some bits, mainly alcohol that he was taking with him to his dinner party last night. He showered and changed, looked extremely handsome in his suit jacket, jeans, shirt and brown shoes, good enough to eat! He was off by 7 PM so I chilled all evening on the settee, with free reign of the TV!!!

I watched Knight and Day which stars Cameron Dias and Tom Cruise which was good, then was in bed for 11 as I was knackered. Was nice sitting on the settee with the dog, groomed him and gave him some love whilst we watched the film, don’t think Sammy was really watching it though, he was more interested in licking his bits!

We had planned to go to the Wolverhampton and Black Country City Show today, but fear it could be a wash-out due to all the rain, so looks like we will have to find something else to occupy us for the day. Just started the latest Scott Mariani novel, Ben Hope and his ex SAS antics, always a good read so might make some headway with that today.

We’ve been to the Sunday market with the dog and now back home in the dry. Kayla is due round about 12.30 with a week’s worth of home-made dog treats for Sammy and a catch-up with coffee, might nip out and get some cakes as a little treat.

All in all, feeling a bit sore physically (nothing new there) and a bit better mentally (wonder how long it will last). Bit worried about Glastonbury on Saturday, if I’m too ill then we can’t go, which I’d be gutted about, so best rest up lots this week.

Fingers crossed hey!


Thanks for reading.